Tuesday, 3 December 2013

The rakyat of Sri Aman are suffering from water shortages & electrical disruption for the past 3 days and they have had enough and have complained to DAP Sri Aman.

'Eatery businesses have closed down temporarily because of the electrical &  water disruptions, whole families are complaining because they are unable to cleanse themselves, clean & cook their food, its causing a lot of discomfort for all of us in Sri Aman', Leon said, DAP Sarawak Vice Chairman.

'To blame this power failure incident only on a truck that hit an electrical line 3 days ago is an irresponsible statement from JKR & SESCO since they can easily have repaired the transmission line in at least 24 hours; as before this, a similar incident happened, SESCO repaired it in 24
Hours.' Said Leon.

'Obviously the YB of the area is not aware of this crisis affecting the rakyat of Sri Aman as he does not live here thus he does not feel our misery. He should have taken the first step to make sure this disruption of services from SESCO & JkR was dealt with days ago. I hope JKR & SESCO will fix this problem as soon as possible,' added Leon.

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