Press Release
Hentje Ak Reginald Eliab must have thought that he
was very lucky nearly 5 years ago when the Simanggang ADUN Datuk Francis
Harden, approved his request and application for a new house under the
PPRT Projek Perumahan Rakyat Miskin Tegar.
But after appealing
personally a few times to Harden and countless checks with the District
Officers officers, still there was no answer or any reply.
Harden personally stopped by my dilipated house and checked the
condition of my house 4 years ago and promised that my request for aid
was immediately approved. It will come soon, just wait he said,'
explained an exasperated Hentje.
'Now me and my family are
living dangerously because the house is in danger of collapsing at any
moment, but after nearly 5 years of waiting is too much for us to bear,'
added Hentje.
After nearly 5 years of waiting, Mr Hentje then decided to approach Leon Jimat Donald of DAP Sri Aman for help.
going through his documents & visiting the site, I will write &
highlight Mr Hentje's problem to the relevant authorities and more so
to Datuk Francis Harden, please tunaikan janji, these poor folks are
suffering, please do not neglect them', said Leon Jimat Donald DAP
SARAWAK Vice Chairman.
Sunday, 23 March 2014
Press Release
The villagers of the Melugu & Pangil area in Bukit Begunan, Sri Aman are now up in arms on the quarry that is proposed to be done right by their doorstep.
Villagers of Kampung Melugu & Kampung Pangil were shocked today when the organisers did a 'miring' ceremony & 'pecah tanah' on their land.
'We are very upset with their actions & we will bar any attempts to enter our NCR land as we have been here for many generations, and our livelihoods are connected to these lands, so we have engaged the help of DAP Sri Aman to highlight our case to the higher authorities' exclaimed Tuai Rumah Timpang who is leading the protesters.
'The area earmarked for the quarry is a water catchment area and source of water for 9 villages of more than 400 people. This is one of the main issues for the villagers protest. There has been no proper consultation and I doubt there is any Environment & Social Impact studies & report for this project. The people can live without electricity but they cannot survive without water. I will be writing to the relevant authorities to request that the license to be revoked or rejected if there is a license issued,' said Leon Donald DAP Sarawak Vice Chairman.
'It is also alleged that the wakil rakyat in Sri Aman has a stake in the said company that is trying to extract the stones from the area, which explains his ethusiasm for the project to proceed,' said one of the villagers which requested anonymity.
The villagers of the Melugu & Pangil area in Bukit Begunan, Sri Aman are now up in arms on the quarry that is proposed to be done right by their doorstep.
Villagers of Kampung Melugu & Kampung Pangil were shocked today when the organisers did a 'miring' ceremony & 'pecah tanah' on their land.
'We are very upset with their actions & we will bar any attempts to enter our NCR land as we have been here for many generations, and our livelihoods are connected to these lands, so we have engaged the help of DAP Sri Aman to highlight our case to the higher authorities' exclaimed Tuai Rumah Timpang who is leading the protesters.
'The area earmarked for the quarry is a water catchment area and source of water for 9 villages of more than 400 people. This is one of the main issues for the villagers protest. There has been no proper consultation and I doubt there is any Environment & Social Impact studies & report for this project. The people can live without electricity but they cannot survive without water. I will be writing to the relevant authorities to request that the license to be revoked or rejected if there is a license issued,' said Leon Donald DAP Sarawak Vice Chairman.
'It is also alleged that the wakil rakyat in Sri Aman has a stake in the said company that is trying to extract the stones from the area, which explains his ethusiasm for the project to proceed,' said one of the villagers which requested anonymity.
Press Release
Where is our electricity?
The voices of exasperation and despair can no longer be ignored from the folks of Ulu Undup, Sri Aman, where they met up with DAP Sri Aman Chairman Leon Jimat Donald, about their electricity problem.
According to them, the completion & supply of electricity has been promised by the elected representatives of the area Francis Harden & Masir Kujat, has somewhat stalled since last year and until now, most are still living in darkness.
'Before the end of the year 2013, we were told we will enjoy the supply of electricity it was promised, but now, we are still suffering. Those who have generator sets are suffering greatly because our fuel bill now is over rm350 per month', lamented Nangkai Tungol.
A check by DAP Sri Aman Chief, Leon Donald found out that the electrical poles that were erected have now been covered by grass & the cables dangling where it is not connected. The project site seemed to be abandoned.
'We urge the elected representatives of Sri Aman to stop fooling the rakyat with empty promises and false hopes. Their fuel bill is a heavy burden on them and since the fuel hikes, all other necessities have risen as well in price. The rakyat has been dreaming for electricity to be connected to their homes for many many years. Please 'Tepati Janji' and get the rural electrification project completed before it becomes another list of 'recycled promises' to be recycled by the BN representative in the coming State Election', said Leon Donald who is also the DAP Sarawak Vice Chairman.
Another sick project in Sri Aman: The neglected electrical transmission pole in Ulu Undup covered in grass and creepers.
Where is our electricity?
The voices of exasperation and despair can no longer be ignored from the folks of Ulu Undup, Sri Aman, where they met up with DAP Sri Aman Chairman Leon Jimat Donald, about their electricity problem.
According to them, the completion & supply of electricity has been promised by the elected representatives of the area Francis Harden & Masir Kujat, has somewhat stalled since last year and until now, most are still living in darkness.
'Before the end of the year 2013, we were told we will enjoy the supply of electricity it was promised, but now, we are still suffering. Those who have generator sets are suffering greatly because our fuel bill now is over rm350 per month', lamented Nangkai Tungol.
A check by DAP Sri Aman Chief, Leon Donald found out that the electrical poles that were erected have now been covered by grass & the cables dangling where it is not connected. The project site seemed to be abandoned.
'We urge the elected representatives of Sri Aman to stop fooling the rakyat with empty promises and false hopes. Their fuel bill is a heavy burden on them and since the fuel hikes, all other necessities have risen as well in price. The rakyat has been dreaming for electricity to be connected to their homes for many many years. Please 'Tepati Janji' and get the rural electrification project completed before it becomes another list of 'recycled promises' to be recycled by the BN representative in the coming State Election', said Leon Donald who is also the DAP Sarawak Vice Chairman.
Another sick project in Sri Aman: The neglected electrical transmission pole in Ulu Undup covered in grass and creepers.
Press Release
Until when; can we the Sri Aman people wait?
DAP Sri Aman wishes to reply to the statement by Datuk Francis Harden, the Assemblyman for Simanggang & Assistant Minister, about the 'sick' condition of the Proposed New Sri Aman Hospital.
Datuk Francis has said that the new hospital will be built and we are seeking cheap publicity. DAP Sri Aman wishes to remind the honorable assistant minister the persistent questions from the concerned public that needs to be addressed and answered instead of firing a cheap shot at us. We are voicing out the cries of the people of Sri Aman who wishes to know the real delay.
According to reliable sources undertaking the earthworks, it is alleged that ONLY 14 acres out of the 50 acres earmarked for construction of the hospital has its earthwork filling completed!
We wish to ask Datuk Francis Harden why is the earthworks only done for 14 acres only, which constitutes only 28% of the total development area after 3 years of 'works'? What is going to be done to the remaining 72% of the area and when are they (the government) going to do the earthworks and start the real construction of the hospital?
Judging from their current track record, it took them 3 years to earthfill 28% of the development area of the new hospital; then it is safe to say that it will now take another 6 years to wait for the rest of the area to be successfully earthfilled? And we are not even addressing about the real construction of the hospital yet! Apparently the honorable assistant minister and MP hasn't the faintest idea of the development of the new hospital.
What are they going to build on the 28% of the area, the public wishes to know. According to reliable sources again, the number of buildings proposed to be built at the new hospital has been reduced from 8 to 4 buildings! Why is this so? Again, why is the people of Sri Aman are being shortchanged yet again! We do not want a sub-standard hospital to be built for the people of Sri Aman, enough of the neglect by the government! We deserve a good hospital after waiting for 50 over years! 'Tolonglah Tepati Janji'
The people of Sri Aman can no longer wait for promises after promises being given on the delay of this new hospital.
Leon J. Donald
Site is clearly abandoned and the gate has already collapsed. Heavy vegetation shows no sign of 'heavy work'
Until when; can we the Sri Aman people wait?
DAP Sri Aman wishes to reply to the statement by Datuk Francis Harden, the Assemblyman for Simanggang & Assistant Minister, about the 'sick' condition of the Proposed New Sri Aman Hospital.
Datuk Francis has said that the new hospital will be built and we are seeking cheap publicity. DAP Sri Aman wishes to remind the honorable assistant minister the persistent questions from the concerned public that needs to be addressed and answered instead of firing a cheap shot at us. We are voicing out the cries of the people of Sri Aman who wishes to know the real delay.
According to reliable sources undertaking the earthworks, it is alleged that ONLY 14 acres out of the 50 acres earmarked for construction of the hospital has its earthwork filling completed!
We wish to ask Datuk Francis Harden why is the earthworks only done for 14 acres only, which constitutes only 28% of the total development area after 3 years of 'works'? What is going to be done to the remaining 72% of the area and when are they (the government) going to do the earthworks and start the real construction of the hospital?
Judging from their current track record, it took them 3 years to earthfill 28% of the development area of the new hospital; then it is safe to say that it will now take another 6 years to wait for the rest of the area to be successfully earthfilled? And we are not even addressing about the real construction of the hospital yet! Apparently the honorable assistant minister and MP hasn't the faintest idea of the development of the new hospital.
What are they going to build on the 28% of the area, the public wishes to know. According to reliable sources again, the number of buildings proposed to be built at the new hospital has been reduced from 8 to 4 buildings! Why is this so? Again, why is the people of Sri Aman are being shortchanged yet again! We do not want a sub-standard hospital to be built for the people of Sri Aman, enough of the neglect by the government! We deserve a good hospital after waiting for 50 over years! 'Tolonglah Tepati Janji'
The people of Sri Aman can no longer wait for promises after promises being given on the delay of this new hospital.
Leon J. Donald
Site is clearly abandoned and the gate has already collapsed. Heavy vegetation shows no sign of 'heavy work'
It has been nearly 3 years since the announcement by the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib that the Sri Aman Hospital is going to be built, where the supposed date of completion would be somewhere in 2013.
Fast forward to today, the DAP Sri Aman Committee members visited the new Hospital site which to our horror, nothing has changed since PM's announcement!
'The site is apparently abandoned, judging by the condition of the gate into the area that has collapsed and the signage nearly covered by crawling vines. It is indeed an extremely painful wait for the people of Sri Aman yet again; the dream of a new modern Hospital to service & care for them,' said Leon, Vice Chairman of DAP Sarawak.
'How many years more do we have to wait for the hospital to be built? The current hospital is unable to service the needs of the people of Sri Aman which has increased by leaps and bounds over the years since 1959!
The medical staffs' are overworked, it has very old facilities and promises upon promises seem to be heaped upon the people of Sri Aman. We are ignored yet again when the pleas for a new hospital are apparently ignored.
Our elected representatives in Sri Aman seems to be doing nothing about this apparent problem, who couldn't care less probably because their medical needs are met by good hospitals in Kuching where they reside.
'However, we who are residing in Sri Aman, have an enormous need to have a modern hospital,'added Leon Donald.
Barang naik: Apa khabar pengundi BN
Menjelang Pilihan Raya Umum (PRU) lalu, berbulan-bulan lamanya pemimpin
Umno/BN melontarkan pelbagai janji pihan raya - yang disebut 'BN: Janji
Ditepati' di merata ceruk rantau, khususnya di kawasan luar bandar.
Selain kempen habis-habisan di televisyen dan media yang mereka miliki,
mereka juga mangadakan pelbagai majlis besar dan kecil di perkarangan
masjid, di dewan serbaguna, di mana saja dengan membawa pelbagai habuan .
Malah masuk ke rumah-rumah orang kampung memberitahu rakyat janji dan
murah hati Umno/BN kepada rakyat.
Pemimpin Umno/BN benar-benar dilihat oleh rakyat yang kurang betfikir,
sangat murah hati, maka itu merekapun, percaya janji Umno/BN ini. Tidak
menjadi rahsia lagi, bahawa pengundi luar bandar ini sangat percaya. Ini
kerana pengundi di kawasan ini, majoritinya, tidak ada ekses internet
atau media alternatif yang lain, melainkan media tradisinal dan saluran
televisyen biasa.
Antara lain, Umno/BN berjanji, harga barangan keperluan - gula, minyak
dan barangan lain akan kekal seperti yang sedia ada, tol tidak
dinaikkan, demikian juga tarif elektik akan kekal seperti sedia ada.
Di luar bandar ketika itu, Umno/BN kelihatan tidak ada masalah untuk
mendapat sokongan. Bagaimanapun BN melihat ada masalah dengan pengundi
bandar yang mempunyai akses kepada media baru. Maka itu, janji mereka
tidak mudah diterima, berbanding dengan pengundi di luar bandar. Tetapi
ada juga kelihatan sokongan kepada Umno/BN di kalanggan golongan
generasi lama di bandar.
Dalam keadaan orang luar bandar, malah sesetengah orang bandar sendiri
pun, percaya dengan janji itu, maka BN pun menang walaupun hanya
mendapat 47% undi popular.
Kini apa yang terjadi ialah 4,5 bulan selepas PRU hampir semua barangan
keperluan naik harga dan rakyat merasakan kehidupan mereka sangat
tertekan. Semua golongan rakyat, kecuali golongan elit dan super mewah,
merasakan peritnya dengan kenaikan harga barang ini.
Lebih-lebih lagi menjelang permulaan tempoh persekolahan dibuka
beberapa hari lagi di mana ibu bapa terpaksa menyediakan belanja
untukpelbagai persiapan persekolah anak.
Bagi anak muda juga sangat tertekan memikirkan hal ekonomi negara.
Saban hari mereka menghadapi harga makan minum yang mahal, harga rumah
mahal, sewa rumah mahal, harga kereta mahal, tambang bas dan teksi
mahal. Hendak belajar perlu berhutang, hendak berniaga tiada modal,
hendak bekerja peluang terhad, hatta hendak berkahwin terpaksa meminjam.
Tidak cukup dengan itu, pengumuman yang sangat merunsingkan - kenaikan
20 sen harga petrol selepas 4 bulan pilihan raya, harga gula diumum naik
34 sen selepas 5 bulan pilihanraya, tarif elektrik diumum naik 15%
selepas 6 bulan pilihan raya dan terkini dijangka tol lebuh raya pula
mahu dinaikkan, demikian juga cukai pintu di KL hendak dinaikkan.
Semua maklumat mengenai kebejatan ekonomi dan kenaikan harga barang ini
diketahui dengan cepat oleh majoriti rakyat walaupun media yang
dikuasai Umno/BN tidak melaporkannya. Ini kerana sudah ada media baru,
media alternatif – laman sesawang, tweeter, facbook, sms dan pelbagai
lagi yang menghantar maklumat cepat. Ini yang tidak disedari oleh orang
Umno/BN, kerana mereka ketinggalan zaman.
Dengan situasi ekonomi yang buruk ini, keluh anak-anak muda, ada
senarai rasionalisasi (baca: pengurangan) subsidi yang diumumkan, belum
dikira dengan yang bakal diumumkan, ditambah pula dengan peniaga yang
menaikkan harga barangan kerana kos pengangkutan akibat minyak naik.
Semuanya ini dilakukan hanya beberapa bulan selepas PRU Mei lalu.
Bagaimana dengan janji BN yang berdegar-degar menjelang pilihan raya
untuk tidak membebankan rakyat. Adakah kenaikan harga barang keperluan
ini tidak membebankan rakyat?
Bagaimana pula dengan penyong dan pengundi Umno/BN dalam PRU yang lalu.
Adakah mereka tidak terkesan dengan kenaikan harga barang sekarang?
Adakah mereka semuanya golongan elit atau super mewah yang tidak sedikit
pun terjejas dengan kenaikan harga barang ini. Apa khabar mereka
Adakah penyokong dan pengundi BN ini akan berkata "kenaikan harga
barang sedikit saja", sama dengan jawapan orang besar politik negara
yang bersilat lidah mempertahankan kedudukan ekonomi yang merosot
sekarang dengan alasan tidak munasabah.
Malah ada menteri yang mengeluarkan hujah dangkal, memalukan dan
memperlihatkan tidak cerdik, seperti berkata: "Kalau tak mahu kena tol,
pakai jalan alternatif (jalan lama)." Dan ada orang besar kerajaan yang
berkata, "Kurangkan makan gula, kerana gula naik harga. Jangan guna
kereta, kerana minyak naik harga." Dan banyak lagi kata-kata yang
menggambarlan rendahnya cara berfikir mereka.
Malangnya, inilah dia para pemimpin BN yang menang dalam PRU lalu,
sementara ada yang menjadi menteri melalui kedudukan sebagai senator
bukan melalui pilihan rakyat.
Sepatutnya kerajaan dan para menteri yang lebih dulu berjimat, namun
sekarang ini rakyat lebih dulu merasakan kesannya dengan kenaikan harga
barang. Sementara itu, dalam kegawatan akibat kenaikan harga ini, timbul
pula masalah Cukai Barangan dan Perkhidmatan (GST) yang dijangka
menambah beban rakyat. Menurut pemimpin Pakkatan Rakyat, cukai GST yang
akan dilaksanakan pada April 2015 jelas bersifat zalim dan tidak adil
menurut konsep Islam.
Presiden PAS, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang, berkata GST ternyata
bercanggah dengan konsep adil dalam Islam kerana mengenakan cukai kepada
semua orang tanpa mengira kaya atau miskin.
Perlu difahami, katanya, konsep adil mengikut Islam (adalah) bukan
semua orang kena. Konsep adil mengikut Islam (adalah) mereka yang mampu
mengikut kemampuan masing-masing.
"GST ini, yang beli gula satu lori, yang beli gula satu kilogram, semua
kena bayar cukai. Ini satu konsep yang salah," katanya sewaktu berucap
di majlis pelancaran Kempen Faham GST, Tolak GST di Kelab Sultan
Sulaiman, Kampung Baru, baru-baru ini.
Beliau berkata,kerajaan juga wajib menetapkan harga tidak membebankan
rakyat jika berlaku cukai melibatkan kenaikan harga barang keperluan
asas yang diguna oleh semua golongan masyarakat.
Majlis Pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat meminta perdana menteri mengadakan
sidang khas Parlimen untuk membahaskan masalah yang berkait dengan
rakyat tanpa mengira kerajaan dan pembangkang. Biar ahli-ahli Parlimen
bebas memberi pandangan mereka.
Turut berucap malam itu ialah Ketua Umum PKR, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim;
Penasihat DAP, Lim Kit Siang; Timbalan Presiden PKR, Azmin Ali; Ahli
Jawatankuasa PAS Pusat, Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad serta wakil-wakil NGO dan
aktivis yang menentang pelaksanaan GST.
Dalam keadaan ekonomi yang gawat diakibatkan oleh perbuatan rasuah,
ketirisan dan sebagainya, serta ketika terserlah janji BN tidak
ditepati, kita wajar bertanya kembali kepada mereka yang mengundi BN
dalam PRU yang lalu, "Apa khabar dengan kenaikan harga barang ini.
Setuju juga?" - 24 Disember, 2013.
* Ini adalah pendapat peribadi penulis dan tidak semestinya mewakili pandangan The Malaysian Insider.
Friday, Mr Tomsom Rudy & Leon Jimat Donald was called by the Sri
Aman Hospital to a meeting about the compensation by the Ministry of
Health; for the negligence by the hospital which caused the death of
Tomsom's wife, the late Anna Kajan.
Ironically the date of the meeting with the Sri Aman Hospital fell exactly on the 3rd anniversary of his wife's death.
a short meeting with the Director of Sri Aman Hospital & the
officers from Putrajaya, Mr Tomsom agreed to the compensation proposed.
However, Mr Tomsom declined to expose the sum of the compensation when
asked, only saying that he wishes to put this chapter in his life to a
close and he wants to
move on.
behalf of Tomsom's family, I would like to commend the Staff of Sri
Aman Hospital & the Health Ministry for being courageous in
admitting that they indeed made a mistake whose neglect caused the death
of the late Anna. The
ex-Gratia payment may be sufficient but no way is it able to compensate
the loss of a life, a wife to Tomsom, a mother to their daughter
Norita. Let this case be a hard lesson learned, especially to the staff
of the Sri Aman Hospital and to all the hospital staff across the
country,' Leon said.
Tomsom showing the letter from the Ministry of Health together with his daughter Norita
Launching of Oil Palm Seedling Supply Project to Small holders under DAP's Impian Sarawak
Last Saturday saw the launching of Oil Palm Seedling supply project to small holders under DAP's Impian Sarawak.
Project was launched in Sebujok, Ulu Undup by the DAP Sarawak Chairman
YB Chong Chieng Jien together with Leon Jimat Donald, DAP Sarawak Vice
number of participants were 51 families from 8 longhouses from Ulu
Undup Sri Aman. The participants were given a 100 oil palm seedlings to
start their venture into oil palm cultivation.
is a micro-credit program where the participants are given a 100 trees
for free initially to cultivate and only after the trees have bore
fruits after 2 years of planting, only then will the participants can
start repaying the micro-credit loan. This program is part of DAP's
Impian Sarawak; 'Economic Empowerment Project' where we intend to
increase the household income of rural folk by giving them good cash
crops to plant in their NCR lands," explained Leon Jimat Donald, DAP
Sarawak Vice Chairman.
50 years of BN neglect solved by DAP visit
DAP Betong two months ago went to Kampung Trusan in Betong to survey whether there was a possibility to hand them a project or two, to do under the DAP Go Rural (Impian Sarawak) projects.
To our shock, we found out that the village of Trusan was without a proper water supply system. They had to fetch water from wells & collect rainwater in buckets after all this 50 years. To add insult to injury, Trusan is actually sandwiched between two Malay kampungs which have long been supplied with pipe water all these many years.
We started to mobilized our Impian sarawak volunteers, contact the suppliers of pipes n other hardware to install a proper water supply system to the longhouse.
Just when we were about to launch our project, we were told by an officer from the District Office that the project for the installation of water pipes to the longhouse had been approved by the government n that the project will b completed within the next two months.
Upon further enquiry, we found out that the BN heard that the longhouse people and the DAP are trying to solve this problem once and for all, they quickly asked the JKR to connect the pipes to Trusan, which it was rumoured by the BN people that the said project would be completed in two months time come the end of January 2014.
"I would like to congratulate the brave people of Trusan for having the presence of mind to contact the DAP when there was nobody else that was willing to listen to them and solve their problem. And we from the DAP, also would like to extend this type of help to anybody else in the rural areas, who might be facing similar or other types of problems," said Leon Jimat Donald, DAP Sarawak Vice Chairman & DAP Go Rural Southern Committee Chairman.
DAP Betong two months ago went to Kampung Trusan in Betong to survey whether there was a possibility to hand them a project or two, to do under the DAP Go Rural (Impian Sarawak) projects.
To our shock, we found out that the village of Trusan was without a proper water supply system. They had to fetch water from wells & collect rainwater in buckets after all this 50 years. To add insult to injury, Trusan is actually sandwiched between two Malay kampungs which have long been supplied with pipe water all these many years.
We started to mobilized our Impian sarawak volunteers, contact the suppliers of pipes n other hardware to install a proper water supply system to the longhouse.
Just when we were about to launch our project, we were told by an officer from the District Office that the project for the installation of water pipes to the longhouse had been approved by the government n that the project will b completed within the next two months.
Upon further enquiry, we found out that the BN heard that the longhouse people and the DAP are trying to solve this problem once and for all, they quickly asked the JKR to connect the pipes to Trusan, which it was rumoured by the BN people that the said project would be completed in two months time come the end of January 2014.
"I would like to congratulate the brave people of Trusan for having the presence of mind to contact the DAP when there was nobody else that was willing to listen to them and solve their problem. And we from the DAP, also would like to extend this type of help to anybody else in the rural areas, who might be facing similar or other types of problems," said Leon Jimat Donald, DAP Sarawak Vice Chairman & DAP Go Rural Southern Committee Chairman.
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