Tuesday, 3 December 2013

The rakyat of Sri Aman are suffering from water shortages & electrical disruption for the past 3 days and they have had enough and have complained to DAP Sri Aman.

'Eatery businesses have closed down temporarily because of the electrical &  water disruptions, whole families are complaining because they are unable to cleanse themselves, clean & cook their food, its causing a lot of discomfort for all of us in Sri Aman', Leon said, DAP Sarawak Vice Chairman.

'To blame this power failure incident only on a truck that hit an electrical line 3 days ago is an irresponsible statement from JKR & SESCO since they can easily have repaired the transmission line in at least 24 hours; as before this, a similar incident happened, SESCO repaired it in 24
Hours.' Said Leon.

'Obviously the YB of the area is not aware of this crisis affecting the rakyat of Sri Aman as he does not live here thus he does not feel our misery. He should have taken the first step to make sure this disruption of services from SESCO & JkR was dealt with days ago. I hope JKR & SESCO will fix this problem as soon as possible,' added Leon.

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Press Release 3 Oct 2013

Mr Tomsom Rudi today met Leon Jimat Donald today in his office asking about the said compensation that was promised by the Heath Ministry over the death of his wife nearly 3 years ago due to negligence by Sri Aman hospital staff.
On 20th September last year, the External Investigative Committee consisting of Dr Teo Aik Howe,a Specialist in Emergency & Trauma (E&T) Penang Hospital, Dr Chan Hiang Chuan, a specialist in E&T Kuching Hospital, Dr Sharfudin Bin Noordin, Deputy Director, Medical Practices Division in the Health Ministry Malaysia, Dr Hazel Philip, Assistant Director Sarawak State Health Department & Dr Majorie standing in for the Director of Sri Aman Hospital; had a meeting with Mr Rudi and Mr Leon Jimat Donald.

Mr Tomsom is demanding compensation from the hospital as his wife died at the A & E apparently due to negligence from Sri Aman Hospital A&E staff.

Mdm Anna, 28 years old, died of apparent heart failure, who together with her husband when having arrived at the Sri Aman Hospital A&E from Lubok Antu soon after complaining about chest pain, was chased away to the polyclinic where they had to wait for two hours for a doctor.

When their turn came, the doctor quickly tried to treat her, having found out she was suffering from heart failure. They had to wait for the ambulance to bring her from the polyclinic to the A&E again to administer further treatment, but they were unable to save her having arrived there.

The External Investigative Committee had during the last meeting, informed Mr Tomsom that they had finished the investigation on the cause of death of Mr Tomsom's late wife, Puan Anna Kajan, who died at the hospital due to apparent negligence by the staff of Sri Aman Hospital. They found out there was indeed negligence on part of the hospital staff and she had died of heart failure. The Committee is alleged to have submitted their report to the Health Ministry for further action and recommendation.

"As there was no postmortem done on the late Anna Kajan, so there is justification on the demands for compensation from Mr Tomsom; as had the hospital many hours before admitted and tried to save her the moment they arrived, she would still be alive today. Now because of this inefficiency and oversight by the Sri Aman Hospital A&E staff on that day, it had cost the lost of a life", said Leon.

'Now it is close to 3 years since the tragedy happened and after many meetings with the officers in and outside of Sarawak, there is still no clear indication from the Health Ministry that compensation demands are forthcoming. Mr Tomsom now is seriously considering legal action considering the relevant departments has not acceded to his request', added Leon Jimat Donald, Sarawak DAP Vice Chairman.

The DAP Sri Aman 4 years ago managed to help the family of the late Danny Kho Chia Zeng who died of electrocution at the Sri Aman Mini Stadium due to water leaked during heavy rain, the water flowed from the main electricity point onto the pavement. The family was demanding compensation from the Sri Aman District Council. The State Government last year agreed to compensate the family for an undisclosed sum.

Pix : Mr Tomsom holding the letter addressed to the Health Ministry inquiring about the status of his case.

Press Release on the 23rd September 2013 (Tuesday)

Today DAP Sri Aman received a visit from 11 year old Wan Hamizan bin Wan Jamali & his mother Puan Sharifah Habsah Bt Wan Otheman who is a single mother. 

The mother claimed to have exhausted all avenues by requesting for help from the Welfare Department as they were both rejected by the officers. Having exhausted all options, both of them paid a visit to Sdr Leon Jimat Donald hoping that the DAP is able to highlight their case.

It was informed that Wan Hamizan's OKU monthly financial aid from the State Welfare Department has been stopped & declined from May until today. The monthly cash aid is around RM100 per month. His mother's request for a single mother aid from the Welfare Department has also been declined by the Department.

'I will write to the Welfare Department in Sri Aman to request that they reconsider the request and let the two son & mother have their aid given to them. I will also write to the Welfare Minister Datuk Hajjah Fatimah Abdullah urging her to help them and we will also seek the help of Baitulmal Sarawak, ' said Leon Jimat Donald, Vice Chairman DAP Sarawak.

 Updated on Wednesday 3rd October 2013

Today an excited Puan Sharifah has called DAP Sri Aman to say that she has been contacted by the Welfare Department about the reinstatement of aid to her OKU son. And she also said that she will also be financially aided by Baitulmal as she was a single mother. We are very happy for her and pray for their well being.

Monday, 9 September 2013

(YAB MB giving memento to Sdr Leon Donald)
  YB Ng Suee Lim, Sekinchan ADUN, YAB Tan Sri Khalid & Leon Jimat Donald)

DAP Sri Aman pioneers ambassadorial program to Pakatan State

On Wednesday last week, DAP Sri Aman members led by Branch Chairman & DAP Sarawak Vice Chairman Leon Jimat Donald paid a courtesy call on the Menteri Besar of Selangor, YAB Tan Sri Dato Khalid Ibrahim. The group of 30 compromised mainly of local men & women DAP leaders. They were on a four day trip from the 4th September to 7th September, to Selangor to observe and see Pakatan Rakyat's policies being implemented in the Pakatan held state.

During the visit, the Menteri Besar briefed them on the successful policies of Pakatan Rakyat that has been implemented in Selangor.

"The visit was an eye-opener for everybody. The Menteri Besar was so courteous, we were so humbled by his friendliness. He answered all our questions and we were so impressed with what the he has done for Selangor that we wished the current BN State Government would be as caring as this to the people. Pakatan's policies are clearly rakyat friendly, transparent and above all, all revenues are returned to the rakyat in terms of many aid programs and schemes, unlike in Sarawak where state revenues are used to enrich cronies', said Leon.

'The objective of the visit of the leaders to our Pakatan Rakyat led states, is to equip, increase and fortify the knowledge of our local men & women leaders; so that they are able to further enunciate our policies to the folks back in the longhouses. During the visit, the leaders are expected to be able to understand and hear Pakatan policies straight from the policy-makers, the implementation and observe firsthand how Pakatan policies affect the rakyat. Thus they are be able to compare & contrast Pakatan policies against BN policies in Sarawak, which off course, Pakatan's policy being better' added Leon.

Group photo of DAP Sri Aman together with YAB Menteri Besar
Seen is YB Yeo Bee Hin ADUN Damansara, YB Rajiv Rishyakaran ADUN Bkt Gasing, YB Ng Suee Lin ADUN Sekinchan & YB Tony Pua MP PJ Utara

Friday, 16 August 2013

Lady sees red after compensation request ignored
Press Release

DAP Sri Aman was visited by a lady from Empelanjau, Bukit Begunan today about her compensation which was not paid by SESCo.

Madam Christine ak Malong from Empelanjau was seeking the help of DAP Sri Aman as she has exhausted all avenues that can help her. Madam Christine says that a great injustice has befallen her as she has been trying to get compensation payment from SESCo because the Hydro Transmission tower passed through her land in Empelanjau but no compensation payment has been received.

It is alleged by her the senior officers in SESCo has been trying to avoid her when she comes down from Bintulu to ask about her compensation.

It is understood by DAP Sri Aman that all adjacent lands that have been passed by the Bakun Hydro transmission line has been handsomely compensated and it is said by Madam Christine that these said lands are smaller than her land.

Her land is around 2 and a half acres and it is alleged that nearly half of it was used up by the transmission line.

"I am working in Bintulu and it is extremely difficult for me to come down to look for these SESCo officers and it is very infuriating for me when they ignore my calls because they know after a few days I have to rush back to Bintulu,' she fumed.

"It is unfair that all my relatives have been compensated handsomely by SESCo and I had to see my big durian trees chopped down; only to not see any compensation', added Christine.

"We are deeply disappointed by this lackadaisical attitude by these senior officers in SESco and I will do my best to help Madam Christine to contact SESCo. I will also write to all the relevant offices so we are able to help bring this serious matter to a close thus making sure she is duly compensated," said Leon Donald, DAP Sarawak Vice Chairman.

Saturday, 3 August 2013

Press Release (15 July 2013)

DAP Sri Aman today was shocked today when approached by Mr Angko ak Raga & Mr Bagong ak Ujai from San Demam, Sri Aman on their relatives & ancestor's burial grounds being bulldozed plus hundreds of jars @ tajaus were destroyed by the contractors doing land-clearing of the NCR area at Mempelam, Engkilili, Sri Aman.

It is alleged that the contractors from the company Sri Aman Resources Plantation Sdn Bhd were told by the Tuai Rumah Pindi ak Gerang to do the earth clearing at the ancient cemetery.

A police report has been made and investigations are said to be underway according to Mr Angko. Mr Bagong has ordered the clearing works stopped immediately after discovering their NCR land and the ancient cemetery of his ancestors cleared by the company.

'My parents, grandparents & great-grandparents going as far as i can remember, at least 8 generations before me are buried here and that is why there are many old jars here and I estimate the burial compound is nearly 200 years old. We are representing our relatives, are seeking compensation from the company and we urge the police to take action on the persons' who instructed the company to do the work at the burial compound here', lamented Mr Bagong.

'We are shocked at this blatant abuse of power by the tuai rumah and the absolutely disrespectful of the contractors in ignoring the NCR lands & the ancient cemetery; the police must swiftly investigate this matter and haul the perpetrators to justice,' said Leon Jimat Donald, DAP Sri Aman Branch Chairman & DAP Sarawak Vice Chairman.

'I will be writing to the Lubok Antu District officer & the Resident of Sri Aman to also investigate this matter as well as this is a matter of grave public interest', added Leon.

Betong (24th June 2013)

The DAP today has successfully launched the DAP Betong Branch today. The State DAP Vice Chairman Leon Jimat Donald was invited to officiate the launching of the Branch which is helmed by Stephen Dass.

'It is a historic milestone for DAP in Sarawak as well as it is in line with the DAP's push to spread its message of change in the rural region, the support from new members for DAP is overwhelming and it is a very good sign that the Dayaks are beginning to warm up to DAP's message of change & struggle', said Leon.

'As the Chairman of the DAP Southern Rural Drive Committee, We will be identifying a few more branches to set up in each State Constituency as these branches will spearhead the DAP's push as well as help Pakatan Rakyat spread its message of change in the Dayak heartland, and introducing various programs to better develop their political education thus increasing our rural brethens political awareness', added Leon.

For more info on DAP Betong call Stephen Dass at 0138088228

DAP wants case of disabled Ho to be reopened

State DAP Chairman YB Chong Chieng Jien together with the family member of Mr Ho Tiong Hwa has urged the police to reopen the case of the OKU's funds being siphoned away by the Assistant's minister's PA in Sri Aman.

'The evidence is overwhelming and the PA to the assistant minister allegedly said that she was only collecting money  for the OKU when quizzed on how come she was shown withdrawing money seen from the CCTV, moreover, there is no evidence of the money was passed to the OKU except for own word of mouth' said Chong.

'It clearly defies all logic that the police would accept her word of mouth under normal circumstances abd furthermore, we have not heard any such extra services rendered by assistant' minister's secretaries to OKU's all this while', added Chong.

The police sent a letter to Mr Ho stating that according to the AG, there was insufficient evidence to proceed with the case. YB Chong has said he will write to the AG and he will raise the matter up in Parliament to the attention of the Home Minister.

Mr Ho Tiong Hwa was unable to make it to the press conference as he was very ill. His brother Oscar Ho was there to brief YB Chong on the case.

YB Chong Chieng Jien was in Sri Aman officiating the AGM of the DAP Sri Aman Branch where Leon Jimat Donald was returned unopposed to helm the branch for another term.

DAP Sri Aman members together with residents of Srijaya Park & Jalan Brayun, protested today in front of JKR Divisional Office in Sri Aman today about the terrible disruptions of water supply in Sri Aman.

'Enough is enough, JKR has not been providing solutions to our water problems we have been suffering for days without water and mostly hope of water dripping slowly into our pail early in the morning', said one resident of Srijaya Park.

'The JKR is not providing any short term solutions for the people of greater Sri Aman & no doubt there is an effort by the government building a bigger water works system which is alleged to be completed in a few years time, but water disruptions have caused great discomfort & difficulty to the residents of the Srijaya Park, Jalan brayun areas not to mention the boarding schools as well, a short term solution must be thought out as soon as possible,' claims DAP Sarawak Vice-Chairman Leon Jimat Donald when met with the protesters.

'The elected reps especially the ministers representing Sri Aman must not rest on their laurels since elections is over, they must deliver their promises and service the rakyat instead of shirking their responsibilities, businesses & personal hygiene are affected by the lack of water supply ', Leon added.

Monday, 10 June 2013

DAP Sarawak State Committee 2013-2015

Chairman: Chong Chieng Jen
Deputy Chairman: Chiew Chiu Sing
Vice Chairman: David Wong
Vice Chairman: Leon Jimat Donald
Secretary: Ling Sie Kiong
Asst Secretary: Yap Hoi Liong
Treasurer: Wong Hua Seh
Organizing Secretary: Violet Yong
Asst Organizing Secretary: Tony Ung
Publicity: Wong King Wei
Political Education: Tang Sie Hing
Women Affairs: Alice Lau
Committee: Lim Su Kien
Committee: Christina Chiew
Committee: Chong Siew Chiang
Co-opt: John Brian
Co-opt: Baru Langub
Co-opt: Mordi Bimol

Rural Development Sub-Committee

Director : Chiew Chiu Sing
Southern Region : Leon Jimat Donald
Central Region : Dr John Brian Anthony
Northern Region : Dr Bob Langub

Chong Chieng Jen new state DAP chairman

Posted on June 10, 2013, Monday
Chong Chieng Jen

KUCHING: Bandar Kuching MP and Kota Sentosa assemblyman Chong Chieng Jen is the new state DAP chairman.

He succeeds Wong Ho Leng who did not seek re-election during the 16th DAP Sarawak Ordinary Convention here yesterday for health reasons.

The new state DAP line-up sees Chiew Chiu Sing as deputy chairman while David Wong and Leon Jimat Donald are vice-chairmen.

Alan Ling succeeds Chong as secretary and he will be assisted by Yap Hoi Liong. The treasurer’s post went to Dr Wong Hua Seh.

Others in the state line-up are Violet Yong (organising secretary), Ung Cheng Chak (assistant organising secretary), Wong King Wei (publicity secretary), Dr Tang Sie Hing (political education director) and Alice Lau (women affairs director).

The ordinary committee members are Lim Su Kien, Chong Siew Chiang, Christina Chiew Wan See, Dr John Brian Anthony, Dr Bob Baru Langub and Mordi Bimol.

The term of the new committee is two years and will expire on 2015.

On the committee’s immediate task, Chong said they would consolidate those areas which the party won during the state election in 2011 and the 13th general election.

“We would also come up with plans to make inroad in rural areas. For that purpose, we have set up a Rural Development sub-committee headed by Chiew Chiu Sing. He will be assisted by Leon Jimat Donald, Dr John Brian Anthony and Dr Bob Baru Langub.”

Chong said the sub-committee would submit a thorough plan to make inroads in the rural areas within two weeks.

He described the party’s rural drive as an uphill task due to machinery and financial constraints.
“What we have are political will and ideology. We believe that we can improve the lives of the rural folk and improve our country by bringing change to the rural areas.”

Chong clarified that the Dayak Consultative Council would still be playing its role despite the formation of the Rural Development Sub-Committee.

Asked if Ho Leng would be appointed state DAP advisor, Chong said Ho Leng preferred to take a rest as he had made it very clear in his speech that he wanted to retire from active politics.
One of the highlights of the convention was a motion thanking Ho Leng for his contributions to the party as state chairman and member.

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Disabled ex policeman complains of not receiving proper care by Police force / 8 February 2013

DAP Sri Aman today received a complaint from retired police officer & ex-Iban singer Mr Christopher Kerry Ochida Landong about his predicament now because of his disabled condition. He is a disabled person now as he left leg was amputated & he is now relying on a prostesis leg which he has to change every 4 years. He claims that that he has tried to ask for help from the police force but it has fallen on deaf ears.

He has now turned to DAP Sri Aman for help and he said he is representing the retired police personnel in Sri Aman in voicing out their unhappiness of being ill-treated & forgotten by the Police force.

"The police force should  more sensitive towards the needs of its retired veterans especially those who have fought tirelessly for our country during its time of crisis such as the Konfrantasi & the Communist Insurgency" said Leon

"If there are any police parades, these veterans want to be invited to watch the parade as they feel they can contribute & disseminate ideas for the new generation of police officers" added Leon.

referring to the case if the late Wilfred Gomez, Leon said the State Government should have given a State Funeral to the late Wilfred & buried at the Heroes Cemetery. The State Government should not play politics especially when it involves our countries heroes. 

Monday, 8 April 2013

Srijaya Folks smell foul air from clogged drains/ 18 January 2013

During DAP Sri Aman  walkabouts at SriJaya Park in Sri Aman, we have received a lot of complaints from many folks living there about the terrible stench emanating from the clogged drains near the shophouses & Tamu.

The folks in Srijaya are up in arms as efforts to seek help from the council ( MDSA) has been ignored, which prompted them to seek the help of DAP Sri Aman.

"The drains are clogged during these rainy season & the manholes have been stolen by unscrupulous individuals. No effort has been made by the MDSA to clear the rubbish in the drains and replace the manholes. As these people are all rate-payers, it is unbelievable the cries for better service from these people in Srijaya has been ignored by MDSA" said Leon Jimat Donald, DAP Sri Aman Chairman.

"DAP Sri Aman will officially write to MDSA and bring forward the citizens complaints" assured Leon.

Press release on water problem in sri aman / 12 January 2013

DAP Sri Aman today received a complaint from a Mr Wong of Taman Harmoni today.

He was complaining about his water bill which he received for the past 2 months which amounted to RM5067.00! He said he was very shocked that his two bills amounted to rm1810.80 & rm1325.90 and more than rm300 for every month until today. After closing the pipe,he went to JKR to complain about the problem only to be rebuked by the people in JKR.

Having exhausted all his options, Mr Wong decided to seek the help of Leon Jimat Donald, the Chairman of DAP Sri Aman.

" I am appalled at this lackadasical attitude by the staff of Water Board, this is a problem which warrants serious attention from them. How is it possible that after many months there was never a letter for disconnection? How was it possible that the department allowed this serious problem to fester? The Water Board must resolve this problem as soon as possible as this is a crisis of public confidence in the way JKR Water Board Sri Aman charges their clients " said Leon Jimat Donald.

On the same note, the DAP Sri Aman also received a lot of problems from the public on the deteriorating water quality in Sri Aman. The public is complaining of waters being murky & the water supply is disrupted every weekend.

" We are aware of the upgrading works of the water supply in Sri Aman but as a taxpayer & paying public, the Water Board should never ever compromise on the quality of water being supplied to the people of Sri Aman," said Leon Jimat Donald.

DAP Sri Aman will be writing to JKR Water Board to waive the fee imposed by them to Mr Wong and we will also be writing to Tan Sri Jabu as he is the Minister of Infrastructure & Datuk Douglas Uggah as he is the minister in charge of federal projects in Sarawak, on the progress & terrible quality of water in Sri Aman.

Thank You


Mr Wong ,Mr Leon Jimat Donald, Mr Tan Chen Boon, DAP SRI AMAN, Assisstant Branch Secretary

Melikin land defender who got slashed by unknown assilants recovering /19 March 2013

Leon Jimat Donald visited Mr Surik ak Muntai, the victim of a brutal attack by gangsters at Sg Menyan school, Balai Ringin, at the General Hospital in Kuching today.

'I am still shocked at the news of the attack until today as i never would have suspected the perpetrators would resort to violence' said Leon

Leon also added that it was good that Mr Surik was recovering well & in good spirits although he suffered very serious wounds where he had to receive two pints of blood before the doctors operated on his wounds.

'I urge the police to be more alert and more responsive to the needs of the rakyat of Melikin since this is a second case as where the first case involving the people of Melikin was the atempted arson on Michael Luang's car end of last year. The police must encourage restraint on both sides' added Leon.

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Residents want council to clear clogged drains Posted on February 16, 2013, Saturday Borneo Post

KUCHING: Clogged drains are being blamed for the constant flash floods in Jalan Hollis in Sri Aman.
The latest incident occurred yesterday after just over an hour of heavy rain, causing much inconvenience to residents there, including those who are still celebrating Chinese New Year.
DAP Sri Aman branch chief Leon Jimat Donald said he has been receiving complaints from folks residing along the road because they are tired of the flooding every time there is a downpour.
“Their vehicles, household appliances and things like washing machines are damaged when these flash floods happen, which sometimes can go up to three feet deep,” said Leon yesterday.
Leon, a potential Pakatan Rakyat candidate from DAP to contest in Sri Aman, said he will send an official complaint to Sri Aman District Council (MDSA) so that they repair and clean the drainage system as fast as possible.
“After investigating the causes, we found out that the drainage has never been cleared and dredged by the MDSA.
“We saw there was so much rubbish and weeds growing in and around the drains which are clogging the drain, inadvertently causing the flash floods to occur whenever there is a downpour,” he said, adding the water from nearby housing estates also flows through Jalan Hollis drains.
He hoped MDSA would clear and dredge the drains as soon as possible, stating that the folks living along Jalan Hollis have suffered long enough, living in constant anxiety of the next flash flood occurring.

Quality of roads in Sri Aman a bone of contention Posted on January 6, 2013, Sunday Borneo Post

KUCHING: The two potential election candidates in Sri Aman yesterday called for more actions to improve the quality of roads there.
One of them was Leon Jimat Donald from the opposition DAP, while the other was Andy Lawrence from the BN-friendly Sarawak Workers Party (SWP).
They each issued a separate press statement, in which they voiced their opinions on what needed to be done.
Leon said he received a complaint from the folks in Nyakai and Siga, Jalan Paip, Sri Aman, that part of the road there had collapsed and is hazardous to motorists despite having recently been upgraded.
Upon visiting the site, he pointed to the huge hole in the middle of the road that is causing a lot of inconvenience to motorists.
“ The huge hole in the middle of the road presents a clear and present danger to the folks using it everyday, especially now when we are experiencing heavy rain in Sri Aman nearly everyday. Driving through Jalan Paip can be dangerous,” he said.
Believing the problem was due to poor workmanship of contractors, he said the people in the area had urged the divisional Public Works Department (JKR) to repair the road as soon as possible before any untoward incidents should happen to motorists.
“DAP Sri Aman will write a formal complaint as soon as possible to JKR Sri Aman requesting them to act immediately in repairing the road,” said Leon, also DAP Sri Aman branch chief.
Meanwhile, Andy said several locals approached him regarding the congestion at the stretch of about eight kilometres from Temudok T-junction into Sri Aman town.
“The traffic crawl happens especially during working days when the people of Sri Aman go to and from work as the main road is also the only access to the main housing estates in Sri Aman.
“Compounding the situation are rogue drivers, especially those driving heavy vehicles, when they attempt to overtake to get to the front of the queue endangering other motorists, especially motorcyclists,” said Andy, who has personal experience of the situation, having stayed in Sri Aman for many years.
Andy, who is SWP supreme council member, suggested the road be turned into a dual carriageway, or constructing overtaking lanes if there is lack of space.
“SWP appeals to the relevant authorities to look into the matter and find a long-term solution.
“It is high time to act on this issue as the number of vehicles continuously increases and it is prudent to avoid unwanted incidents in time of life-threatening emergencies as ambulances and fire engines ultimately have to use this very main road,” he said.
He also believed that by having this road system improved, it could have significant impact on Sri Aman town business activities.
“One of the reasons why people travelling from Kuching to Sibu-Miri are not motivated to stop by Sri Aman is due to the time it takes to drive from the junction to town, which takes about 15 to 20 minutes or maybe more during peak hours,” he added 

Antik folk demand govt fulfils its election pledge Posted on January 27, 2013, Sunday Borneo Post

SRI AMAN: The villagers of Antik in Bukit Balau near here are demanding the government to fulfil its election pledge to build an access road to the village.
A village folk, who declined to be the named, said they have been waiting for many years for the access road to be realised following promises made by the assemblyman and member of parliament for that area.
“From the last parliamentary and last state election, the YBs (elected representatives) during campaigning have been promising to do the road into our kampung, but until today we see nothing,” said the village folk.
DAP Sri Aman branch chief Leon Jimat Donald, who was approached by the villagers to highlight their problem, said the people in the village had exhausted all their options.
“The Prime Minister keeps saying to all BN MPs that all promises of projects must be kept and done, then how come this one is not delivered? The folks at Antik have suffered long enough and they have to bear with the terrible condition of the Sri Aman-Lingga road every day,” said Leon.
He explained that there are 13 families living in Antik which is in the Bukit Begunan constituency.
On another note, DAP Sri Anan will be having a ‘ceramah’ (talk) in front of their office next Sunday starting from 6.30pm.
The speakers will include DAP parliamentary leader Lim Kit Siang and state DAP secretary Chong Chieng Jien.

Video Fokus PRU 13 DAP SRI AMAN

Tetamu : Leon Jimat Donald (Pengerusi DAP Sri Aman) Mordi Bimol (DAPSY Kuching)

Apakah yang diinginkan oleh rakyat Sarawak? Mengapa Sarawak yang kaya dengan pelbagai sumber alam masih menjadi antara negeri yang termiskin di Malaysia? Apakah tawaran Buku Jingga untuk rakyat Sarawak? Temui segala jawapan untuk soalan-soalan tersebut dalam episod kali ini

Labourer demands compensation from hospital over negligence resulting in wife’s death / August 14, 2012, Tuesday Borneo Post

SRI AMAN: A labourer from Lubok Antu, Tomsom Rudi Ramba, is demanding compensation from the Sri Aman Hospital as his wife Anna Kajan, had died at the Accident and Emergency (A&E) Ward apparently due to its staff’s negligence.
The late Anna had died last year of apparent heart failure, after her husband brought her to the hospital from Lubok Antu soon after she complained of chest pain.
Tomson said they were chased away to the polyclinic where they had to wait for two hours for a doctor.
When their turn came he said the doctor quickly tried to treat her, having found out she was suffering from heart failure.
They had to wait for the ambulance to bring her from the polyclinic to the A&E again to administer further treatment, but they were unable to save her having arrived there.
He had sought the help of DAP Sri Aman branch chief Leon Jimat Donald, and together they met the hospital director last week.
The late Anna was only 28 years old when she died, and she left behind a daughter who is now seven years old.
According to Leon, they were informed that the hospital had finished its internal investigation on the matter.
Leon also said the director told them an external investigation would be conducted by the Department of Health, together with specialists appointed by the department

Ensure water quality not compromised, DAP reminds JKR /January 14, 2013, Monday Borneo Post

KUCHING: The quality of piped water in Sri Aman is deteriorating, claimed DAP Sri Aman branch chief Leon Jimat Donald.
He said the DAP office at Sri Aman had received complaints from the public that the water was murky and supply was being disrupted every weekend.
“We are aware of the upgrading works of the water supply in Sri Aman but the JKR (Public Works Department)’s Water Board should never ever compromise on the quality of water being supplied to the people of Sri Aman,” he said.
Leon, widely tipped to stand as DAP candidate in Sri Aman parliamentary seat, also said he would write to the relevant authorities including the minister in charge of federal projects in Sarawak, Datuk Seri Douglas Uggah, on the matter.
On a related issue, Leon said a businessman, Wong Li Li, of Taman Harmoni had complained of receiving exorbitant bills from JKR Water Board Sri Aman.
“He was complaining about his water bill which he received for the past two months which amounted to RM5,067. After closing the pipe, he went to JKR to complain about the problem only to be rebuked by the people in JKR,” said Leon.
According to Leon, he was appalled at this lackadaisical attitude by the staff for not taking the matter seriously.
He said this could lead to loss of public confidence in the way JKR Water Board Sri Aman charges. their clien

Sri Aman DAP to run donation drive to help churches /July 14, 2012, Saturday Borneo Post

SRI AMAN: Democratic Action Party (DAP) Sri Aman will help the various churches here raise funds by initiating a donation drive.
“We received lots of requests for aid from churches in and around Sri Aman and we are trying our very best to raise funds for them,” DAP Sri Aman branch chairman Leon Jimat Donald said.
He said the complaints received from the parishioners were that their churches were in a deplorable state and therefore required funds to do some repair works.
“As such we wish to request more good Samaritans to come forward and donate to the churches,” he said.
On Thursday DAP Sri Aman branch donated RM4,250 to churches in Ulu Undup, namely the Baptist Church and St John’s Church, Ulu Paku.
The donation was presented to Ulu Paku Baptist Church representative Pastor Apin Anjok and St John’s Church council member Nangkai Tungol.
Also present during the presentation was DAPSY Sri Aman chief Roja Ulisis.

Former SNAP members apply to join DAP Sri Aman/ January 23, 2013, Wednesday Borneo Post

KUCHING: DAP Sri Aman received a morale boost for the coming general election following the admission of former members of the now defunct SNAP into the party.
They submitted their applications to DAP Sri Aman chairman Leon Jimat Donald at a simple ceremony at DAP operation centre at Ran, Bukit Begunan yesterday.
Leon said the former SNAP members from Simanggang, Bukit Begunan and Balai Ringin included three Tuai Rumahs (longhouse chiefs).
“SNAP members are now joining DAP Sri Aman in droves. The three Tuai Rumahs said they are bringing at least 100 over voters as new applicants for DAP membership.
“According to them, they have done deep soul searching and they feel that DAP is the best party for them to join, as DAP has been very consistent in its policies and stance, and always ever ready to fight for a truly Malaysian Malaysia,” said Leon who is widely tipped as DAP candidate for Sri Aman parliamentary seat.
He also mentioned these former SNAP members have been very impressed with the effectiveness and work of the DAP leadership in Sri Aman for pointing out the shortcomings, mismanagement that are commonplace in Sri Aman.
After yesterday’s membership application ceremony, Leon said he also presented free radio sets to the applicants to enable them to listen to Radio Free Sarawak (RFS) broadcast.
SNAP, one of the state’s oldest parties, is now officially deregistered after the Federal Court on Thursday upheld the Registrar of Societies (ROS) decision in 2002 to cancel SNAP’s registration after the party failed to comply with a notice requiring it to produce evidence that its leadership crisis had been settled.
Meanwhile, PKR Sarawak vice-chairman See Chee How said former SNAP grassroots members and leaders are welcomed to continue their struggle in PKR or any other component parties in Pakatan Rakyat.
“I’m sure they would find Pakatan Rakyat a very good platform for them.” he said.
Ensuring unity within Pakatan Rakyat, he said PKR remained positive over the condition of DAP Sarawak chairman Wong Ho Leng who was continuing his brain tumour treatment in Singapore.
“We are all very concerned. He (Wong) has been updating on his condition. We are very certain he has no problems with his treatment and he will be physically strong and healthy,” said See.
Wong, also Sibu MP, is expected to lead DAP Sarawak’s offensive in the coming 13th general election.

Press Release in IBan about accident by Ambulance from Sri aman hospital 06.07.2011

6 July 2011
DAP Sri Aman madah ka penyinu ati ngagai sida niang Mura ak Mugor ka empu penusah, arap sida ulih besabar enggau penusah ti nuntung sida.
DAP Sri Aman mega madah deka nulong sida niang Mura ak Rugor ari atur undang-undang enggau bakani cara sida ka empu penusah tu deka nyelesai ka kes ti udah nyadi ba niang Mura. DAP Sri Aman ka nguji berandau enggau ka bempu penusah tang bedau bisi saut ari sida ia .
Tu meh kabuah kami ari Dap Sri Aman nadai kala berenti nandu ka isu Sepital Sri Aman kelebih agi Datuk Francis Hardin ak Ulis ka udah menang berpilih ba Sri Aman tu tadi lalu nyadi menteri . Datai ka sari tu, kemaia sepital baru sri aman ka digaga? Datai kemaia rayat ba Sri Aman diperinsa laban penusah perengka sepital ka nadai kala cukup, ambi ka banding baka ubat , urang ka gawa ba sepital , wad enggau doctor pakar . Sepital Sri Aman alu bedau kala betukar ari 1962 kelia, ngenang ka semua bahagian bukai udah digaga ka sepital baru magang.
DAP Sri Aman nadai nyalahka bala sida ka gawa ba sepital Sri Aman laban kami nemu sida ia maioh pengawa ka digaga. Ambi ka banding driver ambulan ka accident mai niang Mura ak Rugor tu tadi nyau 2 kali udah pulai mansang ka sepital Kuching dalam tempoh 12 jam . Dini alai driver bukai maia nya lalu dini alai ambulan ka bukai? Baka kes ka nyadi ba niang Mura ak Rugor tu , ka beranak pan nyau dianjung ka sepital Kuching ketegal sepital Sri Aman nadai cukup doktor ngintu niang tu kemari . Enti nitih kes ka baka tu, nadai patut nyadi ba kitai di Sri Aman.
Nya alai DAP Sri Aman diatu deka nanya baru, kemaya sepital baru Sri Aman deka digaga , laban maia berpilih bulan April tu tadi, sida Barisan Nasional madah ka sida deka ngaga sepital udah berpilih tu kemari, tambah mega bajet kena ngaga sepital udah dipadah ka Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak madah ka 200 juta udah diluluska kena ngaga sepital baru Sri Aman. Diatu udah nyau ka 3 bulan udah tembu bepilih, kemaya sepital baru ka digaga pan bedau temu. Datai kemaia ayat Sri Aman deka diasoh merinsa enggau penusah nadai sepital ti moden?

Help Mr Frusis ak Lebi, a disabled man from Entulang Entawa in Sri Aman Division

On Friday morning 2nd March, The DAP Sri Aman was extremely shocked when asked by Mr Frusis ak Lebi, a disabled man from Entulang Entawa in Sri Aman Division to help him on a terrible problem he was facing.

Apparently Mr Frusis’s Government Aid from the Department of Agriculture was revoked. He showed me the letter allegedly written by Datuk Mong Dagang, the Assistant Minister of Agriculture, instructing the department to withdraw all government aid for Mr Frusis. And also according to Mr Frusis, his disabled allowance from the Social Department, which he has been receiving for years;  has also been withdrawn as well.

The reason for the withdrawal of all government aid according to Mong’s letter is that, Mr Frusis was supporting the opposition during the last state election and he thus against the policies of the (BN) government. In addition to that, Mong allegedly accused Mr Frusis of permitting the opposition to use his house as an operation centre!

Mr Frusis of course did not deny that he was supporting the opposition during the last state election however he vehemently denied that his house was the operation centre for the opposition. All he did was, he just put up the PKR flag in front of his house!

As such, Mr Frusis, myself and a few of the committee of DAP Sri Aman went to the Sri Aman Police Station to file a police report on the alleged abuse of power by Mong Dagang.

We from DAP Sri Aman are extremely appalled by this excessive punishment & inhumane treatment to Mr Frusis. How can Mong be so cruel to deny Mr. Frusis, a disabled man, his government aid? It is not Mong’s personal money, neither is it BN’s money! It is the taxpayers’ money! All Malaysians pay taxes regardless whether they support Pakatan or BN!

Picture with Saudara Frusis of Entulang Entawa, Rmh Anyai.
I believe Mr Frusis is not against Government Policy, but he is surely against the policy of Barisan Nasional which happens to be the government of the day! He was probably hoisting the PKR flag during the election with the hope that Pakatan Rakyat would be the next State Government!

The letter to Mr Frusis which is allegedly written by Mong clearly reflects his disregard and utter contempt to Mr Frusis’s democratic rights thus shows that Mong has no respect for the process of democracy.

This was taken after the manhandling by RELA, blocking our way into the building. We were arguing why they should block us from going in to report to MACC
This is the letter from the Agricultural Dept to the D.O ofc

This new investigation by Global Witness - Inside Malaysia's Shadow State

This new investigation by Global Witness reveals the systemic corruption and illegality at the heart of government in Sarawak, Malaysia's largest state. This film, shot undercover during the investigation, reveals for the first time the instruments used by members of the ruling Taib family and its local lawyers to skirt Malaysia's laws and taxes, creaming off huge profits at the expense of indigenous people and hiding their dirty money in Singapore.

‘Politik Duit’ – Bakani Riman Makai Raban Bansa Dari Atas Nyentuk Ke Baruh/ 25 Feb 2013 Sarawak Report

Skandal ‘Politik Duit’ di menua Sarawak udah mujur ngusaika sebengkah berita ba minggu tu tadi ti endur baka ni siku sekretari ke Menteri SUPP, Francis Hardin Hollis, udah mujur enchuri elaun bantu pemeri ari perintah Sarawak ngagai siku orang ti timpang pendiau (OKU) ba sitak bepilihbesai iya.
Indu ti jai ati sereta rangka nya udah madah ngagai Ho Tiong Hwa ari Sri Aman nya, duit bantu iya udah diketuka perintah beberapa minggu bantu nya dikeluarka.
Tang udah nya penerang bisi nunjukka Puan Ling, ti bekereja ke Francis Hardin dalam beberapa taun ti mega nyadi siku kaban Sayap Wanita SUPP, udah belalai muka akaun bank resia ke Ho awakka bisi dikena iya ngeluraka duit bantu OKU ke guna iya empu.
Elaun bantu OKU nya semina RM250 sebulan, tang semua penyampau ti udah dipasukka ngagai akaun iya nya RM26,000 dalam pengelama beberapa taun, ti udah dicuri kerani ari OKU ti enda bidik nya.
Nitihka penerang ti direkod nengah kamera litar (CCTV), sida bank nya udah tetemuka Puan Ling suah udah ngeluarka duit bantu Ho nya enggau mudah.
Tang, raban polis ti udah dipadahka pengari DAP, Leon Donald nya, lalu bedau muka kes penyalah Puan Ling nya. Sekali ke kita diatu benung meratika penyalah nabanka duit nya patut ditagang raban polis ti neritka undang-undang udah ditangguh-tangguhka ketegal empas politik duit ti dikereja bala orang BN nya?

Aku nganti setengah ari penyampau duit ti udah dichuri sekretari aku ari nuan nya – YB Francis Hardin.
Tindak SUPP sepengudah berita nya ayan ba suratberita ninjukka pasal utai ti patut ditemu kitai pasal BN ti rangka nya.
Ari ti ngeripotka kes nya ngagai polis, YB Francis Hardin udah enggau chara belalai nemuai ngagai rumah Encik Ho berandauka pekara nya enggau tuju deka nutup skandal nya ari ti ditemu orang mayuh.
Ari nya, udah sida tembu berandau, nama atur YB nya enggau orang ti timpang pendiau nya? YB nya udah besetuju mayar ganti rugi SETENGAH ari penyampau ti udah dichuri sekretari iya nya!
Tu nyadika buah runding iya dikena iya nguji ngelamun skandal sekretari iya nya.
Pengari DAP, Leon Donald, udah madah ngagai Radio Free Sarawak, penyampau ti dibayar ke ganti rugi nya udu ngasuh tekenyit ati sereta mega ngasuh ati nyima.
Tu ukai ke terubah iya orang ti timpang pendiau dikeduan bala kaban politik BN. Bala YB tu udah enda ingat ke tiap iku orang bisi kuasa nerima sebarang bantu ari perintah lalu tanggungpengawa ngatur bantu nya endang dikereja bala pengari politik sida.

Siku YB BN ari sitak nya, Mong dagang, udah ditemu menyati siku OKU di menua nya.
Mong Dagang mega siku YB ari Sri Aman, bedau lama ti udah, bisi ditemu ngetuka bantu elaun ngidupka diri Frusis Lebi ti timpang pendiau, semina ketegal Frusis bisi ditemu iya ngamalka kuasa demokrasi iya nyukung parti penyakal!
Enti orang baka Mong Dagang enggau Francis Hardin nya udah beduan raban OKU baka nya, nama utai dikarapka kitai ari bala pengereja pengawa di baruh sida?
Ke bendar iya, sekretari ke Francis Hardin nya udah nunda pendiau enggau ulah bala tuai dalam parti iya. Laban Sarawak Report udah nusui baka ni YB Mong Dagang udah ditemu beduan bala pengundi iya di Sri Aman bekaul enggau penyalah ngerampas tanah NCR sida.
Kami udah nusui baka ni Mong Dagang belabuh enggau mejal bala pengundi iya masuk sekim dagang kunsi, ngambi tanah adat sida lalu besemaya sida deka bulih bagi ti lurus ari pengawa nya.
Udah nya Mong Dagang ngena penuduk politik iya minta duit suap ari ‘dagang kunsi’ nya, lalu meri arah ngagai sapa-sapa ti begunaka tanah nya enda tau enda mayar lebih ari RM1,000 seekar ngagai kompeni enggi bini iya empu ti bekunsi enggau menyadi bos politik iya, James Masing lalu mega enggau bini calon PRS ke Ulu Rajang, Wilson Ugak Kumbong (iya nya sekretari ke James Masing dulu suba)!

OKU ti udah dikeduan menteri BN, Frusis Lebi, ti endur elaun ngidupka diri iya udah diketuka Mong Dagang ketegal iya ditemu nyukung parti penyakal PR.
Kompeni sida nya, Noble Rewards Sdn Bhd lalu kami udah nganggarka ke tiga-tiga iku kaban politik BN nya endang beniat deka ngulihka RM70 juta enggau chara nipu bala pengundi ba sitak bepilihbesai sida.
Nya alai lebuh bala bos BN nya udah besedia ngereja pengawa ti jai nya lalu ngayanka penyumbung sida ngagai OKU, kitai enda alit ati enti sekretari tauka kerani sida mega beniat deka beduan OKU ti patut dikemataka sida nya.
Agi mega, taja pan enggau semua penerang ti udah diayanka kami ditu dulu ari tu, nadai siku ari tiga iku kaban politik PRS/BN nya ditangkap polis bekaul enggau skandal Noble Rewards, tauka kena pansik parti sida empu tauka BN.
Enggau nya mega, kitai enda alit ati enti Puan Ling udah nipu sereta beduan Encik Ho Tiong Hwa, ti udah datai ngagai opis YB nya laban deka betanya sereta minta bantu pengelantang, enda salah-salah pengawa nya udah suah dikereja iya lalu iya seruran ngumbai diri ulih nabanka semua bantu nya.
Jaku sempama lama ti madahka baka siku bangkai ikan, iya deka muruk dalam raban bansa ari atas nyentuk ke baruh.
Enggau nya, manah agi kitai meratika bos ke Mong Dagang, iya nya presiden PRS, James Masing, ti dibelit penyalah makai suap dalam kompeni iya, Noble Rewards.
Enti James Masing nya siku tuai ti endang amat lurus ati iya tentu enda salah guna kuasa iya ti nyadi Menteri Pemansang Tanah dikena berampaska tanah pesaka orang, lalu iya enggau bala bakih politik iya ulih minta duit suap ari bala kaban dagang kunsi iya.
Pia mega, bos Francis Hardin ke dulu suba, George Chan udah ngereja penyalah makai suap sereta ngadai nasib rakyat iya empu. Lebuh iya agi nyadi Sapit Kepala Menteri enggau mega Menteri Pengerai Mensia Mayuh iya udah meri kontrak dikena meli perengka perubat enggau pengerai ke Hospital Jantung Sarawak ti baru ngagai kompeni enggi bini simpan iya ti agi biak sereta nadai penau tauka pengelandik ba pengawa perubat enggau pengerai.

Penyalah makai suap ari atas nyentuk ke baruh – Pengerusi PRS James Masing, bulih pengeraja nengah kompeni Noble Rewards enggi menyadi iya.
Iya udah balat bendar dikutuk lalu diukum bala pengundi iya ti mechat iya ngena kuasa undi ba bepilihbesai taun 2011 suba.
Tang kitai patut merening selangkah ke mua. Tuai BN Sarawak iya nya Kepala Menteri Sarawak empu, Abdul Taib Mahmud. Iya nguasa semua penyukung politik iya enggau chara ngaul sida dalam pengawa makai suap.
Dalam raban sida nya, Taib Mahmud enggau bala kroni iya udah nebang mayuh rampa kampung di Sarawak lalu ngerebut semua pugu share ngena amal kamah sida.
Udah iya ngeruga kampung enggi rakyat iya, Taib Mahmud mega ngampas tanah enggi sida ti udah nya lalu dibuka ke kebun sawit bedandang besai. Berebak enggau nya, rakyat menua Sarawak mengkang idup seranta lalu semua duit menua lenyau pia aja.
Kitai tentu enda alit ati enti James Masing mega bisi niat nipu bala pengundi iya, nya alai penyalah makai suap lalu ngerampit bala orang ti di baruh sida, nengah bala YB enggau tuai-tuai raban bansa nyentuk ke ngagai sekretari sida, baka Puan Ling, ti udah ngiga chara beduan sereta menyati OKU ti seranta.
Siku komentator politik ari menua Britain, Mathew Paris, bedai lama ti udah kala ditanya ba radio BBC ti endur iya nerangka nama kebuah orang di menua UK deka masuk pengawa politik. Lalu laban iya ti endang orang politik, Paris enda mansutka penemu ti kelalu lunggar. Iya udah bejaku pasal sekeda personaliti ti minta perati orang bukai lalu mega sida ti besedia nanggung risiko, tang mega sida ti dikangauka mangku tanggungpengawa ti mulia nya.
Taja pan munyi nya, enggau chara nyengala iya nyebut “Nadai siku orang masuk dunya politik ketegal deka ngulihka duit, laban dalam dunya politik nya endang nadai duit”.

Peratika tinchin bemata delima iya nya – baka ni iya tebelika tinchin nya sepengudah 30 taun nyadi menteri semina begaji RM12,000 sebulan?
Sebarang sapa ti ditemu ngempuruka pengeraja bejuta-juta ringgit, baka Taib Mahmud enggau bala kaban politik iya ke bukai, patut didawa dalam court lalu diukum jil ba timpuh ti lama.
Tang di menua Sarawak dalam perintah Taib Mahmud, tuju KE BENDAR sida masuk dunya politik nya ketegal deka ngempuruka pengeraja enggau chara beduan sereta menyati rakyat sida empu.
Personaliti-personaliti ti rangka ti tetarit ati ngagai politik nya semina ketegal deka ngempuruka bejuta-juta ringgit enggau chara ngerampas duit agih ti patut dikena ngaga jalai alun ti manah, bekal elektrik, ai beresi, mantu nembiak besekula, ngintu pengerai mensia mayuh lalu ngulihka pemisi ke sida empu.
Uji kitai meratika skandal ngaga sistem pemuai utai kamah ti lama bendar udah dipejalaika di Kuching. Siku lelaki udah mati laban kerita ti dipejalaika iya udah labuh ke dalam lubang ti enda betutup enggau diraga enggau manah – kes bebadi ti ketiga ba projek ke sama.
Atur pengelikun ti enda manah ukai ngasuh kitai tekenyit lebuh kitai ngambi kira Kepala Menteri ti udah meri kontrak nya ngagai menyadi indu iya, Raziah Mahmud, ti udah nya ngambi RM78 juta ari kesemua ungkus projek nya ke iya empu sebedau iya nyerahka projek nya ngagai bala sub-kontraktor iya.
Di menua Malaysia tu mih ti dikumbai orang “politik duit”. Mensia di serata dunya ngumbai penyalah tu makai suap lalu tiap iku orang udah kena tinggang penyalah tu, semina sida ti ngereja penyalah tu.
Raban parti penyakal udah netapka deka ngapuska penyalah ‘politik duit’ lalu bala pengundi dikangauka awakka ngukum BN ti udah teleba sereta tebalan ba pengawa nipu enggau chara milih ubah mechat bala YB ti madahka diri deka mayar ganti rugi setengah ari duit bantu OKU ti ditabanka sekretari iya nya.

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